
Photography my way, from half frame to 8×10

Beside my father

there is one man that made my interest for photography a big part of my life. When I was a small kid I could sit hour after hour looking true my fathers photo album. I don´t know how many times I sat looking on the pictures again and again. At 13 I got my first camera and about that time I got in contact with Christer Strömholms photography. I had little money and could´t buy any books so I spent more time in the library where they had two of his books. The way he saw the world and all the details was a big thing for me, how he  made people from around the world a part of me formed much of how I see and respect others even today. When there was an exhibition I went and saw his print in real life, I think two or three in Stockholm. I was a bit to young to attend his classes and to be frank, I have never been keen to classes so I guess my rebellion me would not have stayed in class or maybe he was the one that could have change my dislike of schools:)

Now I have money and true the years I have got all of his books except one, I can still get stuck whit his photos, even looking on the books in the shelf still gets me inspired.

Today he would have been 100 years so from a long time admirer, Happy Birthday Christer where ever you are!


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