
Photography my way, from half frame to 8×10

Debonair magic

I have many cameras, the best of the best and lenses that match them as well. Leica, Hasselblad, Mamiya, Rollieflex, Nikon, Contax and so on. One camera that surprises me time after time are not one of them. It´s a cheap plastic camera from some Chinese factory, all made in plastic, f8,two speed settings and three focus settings, thats all. Debonair, a 120 film camera that gives 6×4,5 negative. It´s a really fun camera, I have a couple loaded with different iso film to give me more control of the exposure but often are the sots with bad exposure the most interesting to work with. Some one said that luck favours the prepared so I try to be as prepared as I can:)


140703 Fern, Gunnared, Debonair 645 Tmax400@400 TmaxDev,

140703 Fern, Gunnared, Debonair 645 Tmax400@400 TmaxDev,

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