
Photography my way, from half frame to 8×10

Done for this time

Tomorrow are some digital work on the agenda, have to get some money to:) Todays print are going from the pre-wash to the archival wash and then off to the drying screens. Have had a couple of days in the darkroom printing and this time I ended every session with putting a tray in another tray to hinder oxidation of the chemicals. It’s not a scientific study but my feeling are that the chemicals are less effected by oxidation this way so I will add this to my darkroom routines from now on.

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3 Kommentarer

  1. Vegar 21 jan ’21

    Nice looking prints!

    • papac 23 jan ’21 — Postförfattare

      Tack Vegar:)

    • papac 23 jan ’21 — Postförfattare

      Thanks, prints are something special to have in your han:)

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