
Photography my way, from half frame to 8×10

Kiki, what a wonderful word

I got the latest issue of SilvergrainClassic in the post today. Alway a happy moment when I see it. In this issue there was a new article by Bruce Barnbaum. He is a favorite of mine and I like both his writing and photography, check for his books, they are good stuff to read. In this article he talked about the pandemic and how it hit us all in different ways and in that I learned a new word and a way to look at life. Kiki, a Japanese way of describing crisis. The sign for Kiki have the symbols for both danger and opportunity, how true isn’t that. As long as you can lift your focus from the crisis and see with possible opportunities there are. For me the pandemic ment a lot of work so it was more of an opportunity and a stress to stay well and not getting infected but if it had been the other way I’m happy to live in the countryside with my darkroom at home, just like Bruce Barnbaum.

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