
Photography my way, from half frame to 8×10

Landskrona Photo Festival

For the third year will Landskrona Photo Festival take place in the south of Sweden. A strategic place for visitors from the Nordic countries as well as the other European. This year the festival will go on for over a week, from aug 20 to aug 30. The first weekend are gonna be the most interesting for me, thats where all the artist talks and seminars are going to take place. I ran my credit card yesterday on a hotel and tickets for a bunch of interesting things. So I´m gonna spend three nights at Hotel Öresund checking in aug 20 and then just feed my self with inspiration and hopefully interesting people. For me the best part with any festival are to discover new things, people I didn´t know and so on. There are a lot of big names coming and yes it´s nice to see their work in real life but all the others are more interesting I think. So for now, it´s just to wait for this happy event.

More info in Swedish and English just published by the Festival. 


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