
Photography my way, from half frame to 8×10

Planket was not

the hit I had in mind. There was a lot of not so interesting photography but there was also some gems that I will think back on. Maybe even try to buy, there was one in particular and I think I will contact her for a buy or even better aa print exchange:) Even if there was a lot that did´t fall in my taste I think it was a good street exhibition and I will absolutely go there next year again. The thing with it is the wide range of photographer, from beginner to old pros. Everybody have the same space and the same opportunity to show of their work and this is a big thing. Am I showing my prints next year? Maybe, maybe not. I´m my worst critic and I have a tendency not to show of IRL:(


Film 99 Konica T4 TriX 400@400

Film 99 Konica T4 TriX 400@400

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Tema av Anders Norén