
Photography my way, from half frame to 8×10

Scanning with Epson 750

and I´m not happy with the film flatness in the holder. Tried to put the film between two anti newton glass and to get to the correct hight I had to make my own carrier in cardboard. Film flatness are the biggest hazzel for a good result, at least for me. I get grain sharpness on the edges and not on the center and vice versa. Guess I will spend the day trying out different methods on different scanners and softwares. Work in progress.


20150606silverfast (7)


Another version scanned with VueScan software. Some added dodge and burn and a vignette but the same cardboard holder and AN glass.

150606 Hajom, Mamiya RZ67 110/2.8, Rollei RPX 400@400

150606 Hajom, Mamiya RZ67 110/2.8, Rollei RPX 400@400

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2 Kommentarer

  1. Romain 1 jul ’15

    Have you tried other holders than the native Epson ones ?
    I have bought the lomography Digitaliza 120 and I get some good results with it on my Epson v750.
    There’s also this website : which you hear a lot of here an there.
    Some people says it changed their life, others their wallet just felt lighter after they purchased the product. Hard to know where is the truth.

    • papac 1 jul ’15 — Postförfattare

      Hi Romain!

      I have Digitaliza and I have had good result as long as the negatives are flat or almost flat, if they are curly the problem are there again maybe not as big. I like that I can get the frame borders on all four sides. But to get two strips of film is whats made me trie Epsons film holder again.

      Better Scanning have I heard a lot of good things about to. I have not tried it.

      I would like to get as good result as possible with the 750, it´s an easy and fast way to get the negatives digitalised, Silverfast works ok with that scanner. I have a Nikon 9000ED that give outstanding files but it´s extremely noisy and VueScan are not so good for that scanner. So even if it give me good files I would like a faster and not so noisy way and thats where the 750 comes in. Yesterday I decided to buy Silverfast for the Nikon to and thats a large step forward, not for the noise but for the way it work. To bad that they sell one version for every scanner and not as VueScan with one software for all scanners. Scanner software are another topic, they are all made by tech geeks and not by users it looks like. Hard to use but many ways to tweek;)

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