
Photography my way, from half frame to 8×10

The year have come

to an end. Since Nov 13 this site have gone from zero visitors to an average of 236 daily visitors. Not bad for a month and a half but there is a lot of things I still have to do. When I sum up 2014 I hope the statistics will show that a years work pay off. I have many texts in my head that will come up when they are ready. My goals are to focus more on my analog photography and on prints, if I can find room maybe some kind of darkroom. To reach those goals I have to stay focus, work my daily work as digital photographer and spend the the time I can on the analog. To post here every day is a good way to remind myself, to have a outlet of my thinking, even if it´s not much of an interaction it´s a good way to put words on things.

2014, focus on analog photography.

2014, make more prints.

2014, more time to large format photography.

2014, picture before gear.

2014, write more on paper and computer.

2014, add more content to this site.

Let 2014 begin, Happy New Year!!!




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