the annual visit to Planket GBG, a outdoor exhibition once a year and lots of photos on a long wall. There was a lot of not so interesting photography but also some that stood out. I like gatherings like this, sorry to say I had nothing to put up myself, every year I miss the date and have nothing ready to show, maybe ext year. Did meet some people at least, Christer ”Fjellis” Fjellman showed his rehab photos and it was nice to see them live. Daniel Wirgård had some stuff up this year to and are finished with his education so now is time to call him for assignments. A new contact was Jonas Söderström, analog photographer that has a podcast, mellan skärpa och korn, about the same, in Swedish. Have listen to a couple of casts and hope it continue. Analog photography are growing again, the bottom are past and the future are positive, thats my feeling any way. To make it grow more it´s just to continue shooting and buying new film to stimulate production, it´s a money game and film will not be produced without profit.