
Photography my way, from half frame to 8×10

Vivian Maier

what an extra ordinary photographer. I had the pleasure to see her picture at Hasselblad Center in Gothenburg. On display was mostly her black and white street photo, 6×6 from a Rollieflex. Fantastic to see and more fanatic that she did this for her own pleasure, nobody did know of her photography until after she died. There was also some color photo taken whit a Leica, very different from the 6×6. The Rollieflex pictures had a calm feeling form a calm observer, the TLR viewpoint are so perfect and are such an unthreatening way of photography. If you have your way to Gothenburg this is a must see exhibition, I will go there again and if you been there once you get a free ticket for the rest of the year. Thats a good deal as you can go to the big art museum and some other museums as well.




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