
Photography my way, from half frame to 8×10


I talked about Fujifilms news of discontinue the packfilm FP-3000B. To take some action I ordered a box of 20 packs from FPP. They store lots of film and other stuff it the FPP store and I even put a new Debonair in my order. It´s my third (they only cost under $20) and I used one on my last trip to Barcelona and it gave me rather good result. I will use one for TriX @400, one @1600 and maybe one @3200, at least I will try it out on my night walks.

If you have´t done go to FPP and check it out. The podcast are hilarious geeky, the shop stores good stuff with good prices, buy and be happy and put your money where your mouth is;)


Barcelona street, Debonair, TriX 400@400, Rodinal 1:50

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